'Summer at Stenton'
Mixed Exhibition
Preview Sunday 10 July 11 am - 5 pm.
Bill Melrose: Church Ruins, Stenton, Contre Jour
22" x 29", mixed media
The exhibition is on view from Friday 8 July to Wednesday 7 September 2005.
Open daily 11 am - 5 pm (closed Thursdays).
For a full list of exhibiting artists see
Images available so far are:
Sylvia Allen
George Birrell
Damian Callan
Frank Colclough
Stephanie Dees RSW
John Forgan
Willie Fulton
Joan Gillespie
Nigel Grounds
Nael Hanna
Kate Henderson
Ed Hunter
Kirsty Lorenz
Jackie Philip
Sheena Phillips
Marie Scott
Wendy Sutherland
Blair Thomson
Helen M Turner