Stenton Gallery - Exhibition Calendar 2004

If anything from these exhibitions is of interest to you, please contact us to see if we have it - or something similar - in stock.

Earlier Exhibitions


Later Exhibitions

Continued 2 January 2004 Boat of Garten Winter Festival
Continued 14 January 2004 'At Home with Art', our mixed exhibition for Christmas
18 January 2004 11 February Campbell Sandilands 'The Four Elements'
15 February 2004 10 March 'The Artists' Lunch', a group show of painters and printmakers from Fife and Tayside
14 March 2004 7 April Ethel Walker 'New Works' and 'Little Treasures', a mixed show of small paintings
11 April 2004 5 May Spring Mixed Show
15 April 18 April Glasgow Art Fair 2004
9 May 2 June Ruth Brownlee 'New Works'
and Anne Gordon 'New Works'
28 May 31 May Stenton on Spey - taking part in the Boat of Garten Summer Festival
6 June 7 July Patricia Sadler, solo exhibition
and a group show including Mairi Aitken, Alan Faulds, Tom Henry, Tom Watt, Nael Hanna and Yvonne Baginsky.
11 July 8 September 'Summer at Stenton' - Mixed Show
8 August 28 August Stenton Gallery's 'Scottish Art Today'
Festival Exhibition at Lloyds TSB Scotland
3 October 3 November Stephanie Dees RSW: 'Back to her Roots' (focussing on East Lothian) and Willie Fulton: Harris
7 November 22 December 'Ice - Breakers'
Mixed Show for Christmas
28 December 2 January 2005 Boat of Garten Winter Festival